7 Things You Must Do Immediately After A Road Mishap
As a responsible motorcycle rider, never make the mistake of leaving your house without a good quality branded motorcycle helmet along with other riding gear such as gloves and jackets. Wearing a good quality motorcycle helmet can protect your head in the event of an accident. Always make sure to stay on the right side after law and keep your ears and eyes open for other motorists to protect yourself.
No matter how much you try to stay safe on the roads, there is always the risk of being in an accident because of someone else’s fault. In case you ever get into an accident, here are the 7 things that you must immediately after the mishap.
- Stay calm
Always stay calm and do not lose your patience after an accident. begin an accident can suddenly spike adrenaline levels in your body which might immediately make you feel angry or excited with your heart pumping at a very fast rate. Try to take a deep breath and calm yourself down. Even if it is not your fault and you clearly know that the other person is at fault, immediately jumping to conclusions and trying to fight can lead the situation from bad to worse. On top of that, if the other party is already aggressive, he or she might try to use a tool to hurt you even further. Once you come down, your brain becomes able to take input and ascertain the condition evolving around you. check if you are still in the middle of the road and in the way of oncoming traffic which might be a dangerous thing, consider the possibility of putting yourself out of harm’s way Either on your own, or by flagging down a passing vehicle to help you out.
- Check for injuries
Once your mind is calm, the next thing that you need to do is check yourself as well as the pillion rider (if there was a pillion rider), for injuries both superficial as well as skin deep. Check if you have any bleeding or acute pain and swelling in your body. If you observe any injury or if you experience a lot of pain what is comfort, immediately call emergency services and explain that you’ve been in an accident. Once you do that, try to put yourself in a comfortable position and wait for the emergency services to arrive.
- Secure the area
If you have not sustained any injury, anyone in the mental state to do this step, it might be useful to secure the area and try to minimize the risk of a pileup. Usually, fast moving traffic do not see accident sites and they may inadvertently hit the vehicles already involved in an accident. If at all possible, try to bring the involved vehicles to the side of the road before talking to anybody or negotiating terms of reimbursement.
- Collect information
Once you’ve understood that the involved parties are not being aggressive or trying to hurt you further, try to talk to them and collect as much information as possible in a civil and polite way. Exchange information of insurer and take the information of the other party’s insurance provider Do not immediately take an offensive stance as long as the other party is being polite. But if the other party is at fault Annette is trying to strong arm you, make it very clear that you intend to get reimbursement for the loss you’ve just suffered.
- Call the police
In most cases you can get away from the accident by talking to the other parties and settling issues mutually. However, if you strongly feel that the involvement of a law enforcement officer is necessary, do not hesitate to call the police. No that involving the police might also lead to documenting the accident and you may have to go down to the police station to record your statement. In most South East Asian countries involving the police is usually considered a huge headache because they try to line their own pockets instead of helping victims.
- Contact your insurance provider
Once all the preliminary steps have been done, the next is to contact your insurance provider and explain the condition of your accident. You may have to furnish a police report of the accident, or the insurance provider may consider doing an independent investigation of the accident before reimbursing you for the loss. Strongly recommend that you record the call you have with the insurance provider and clearly ask them for when you should be expecting the reimbursement to come to you in very clear words to avoid any ambiguity and problem later on.
- Take photographs
It is always a good idea to have photographic evidence of the accident which can come in handy when the insurance providers want to carry out an investigation on the accident. Showing photographs will simplify the process and give investigators a clear idea for actually happened. On top of that, these photographs may also be useful to get your due reimbursement in case investigator does something unexpected. In the event that you have to involve consumer protection authorities to get your due, having the photographs will be a great help.